Saturday, January 30, 2010

Digital Art Pad A List Of Redneck Computer Terms?

A list of redneck computer terms? - digital art pad

A list of redneck computer terms
Backup - What do you do when you see a skunk in the woods.

Barcodes - Standards Set Them fight'n because local pub.

- Bug The reason for this is a sick giv'n request.

Byte - What yer pit bull Dun Cusin Jethro.

Cache - is required if the shop to go there.

Uncle Chip - Yer mother Cusin buddy name.

Terminal - Time to call da undertaker.

Crash - If you uninvited to the party junior.

Digital - The art of counting fingers.

Diskette - A female Disco dancer.

Hacker - Uncle Leroy after thirty years of smoking.

Hardcopy - Picture in selecting tattoos.

Internet - Where cafeteria workers put their hair.

Keyboard - Where you hang the keys to the John Deere.

Mac - Favorite fast food Big Bob.

Megahertz - How your head feels the old beer after seventeen years.

Modem - What if the grass and weeds too high.
< br> Mousepad - Where Mickey and Minnie live.

Red - Scoop'n a big fish before it breaks the line.

Online - where to stay when taking the sobriety test.

Rome - where the pope lives.

Screen - helps keep the skeeter the porch.

Serial Port - A red wine you drink with breakfast.

Location - Amtrak employee of the year.

SCSI - What Your Underwear eight days.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! You are funny. I bet Jeff Foxworthy would be thrilled.
